Albert Lea Plant

Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm

Now Located In Coon Rapids, MN
Phone 763-205-1556

How to Forge a New Marketing Path in 2025

The new year is here! It's time to set new goals, including for your marketing. 

Let's build on the lessons of 2024 and create a fresh and successful marketing strategy for 2025.

Read the analytics.

If it’s not broken, don’t fix it! As you enter the new year, consider what has historically worked well for your company’s marketing efforts. Analytics from past campaigns will tell you what’s been working. Pay close attention to the performance of your printed materials. Track response rates for direct mail campaigns, analyze the effectiveness of brochures and catalogs and  printed advertisements.



Invest in what works.

This is a simple concept, yet it’s often overlooked—stop what isn’t working and invest in what is. Ensure you’re spending your marketing budget wisely this year by using your analytics to back up your decisions. Every single campaign won’t be a home run, but this can help set you up for success more readily in the future. Spend your budget wisely. This includes allocating resources to printing and mailing campaigns that have proven effective. Consider investing in high-quality printing and targeted mailing lists to maximize your return on investment.

Host a brainstorming session.

It’s time to get creative! It’s easy as a marketer to get caught up in the fast-paced, day-to-day grind. We often forget to take the time to plan out our marketing campaigns creatively and thoughtfully. Host a meeting with your team where no idea is a bad idea. Order pizza, and make it a fun environment where everybody feels like they can pitch an idea. You’d be surprised at how many creative ideas are built off of what one person uttered yet hesitated to say. Make 2025 the year that your business embraces creativity. During your brainstorming sessions, explore innovative ways to integrate print and mail into your overall marketing strategy. Consider using personalized direct mail, incorporating unique print finishes, or creating interactive mailers.

Stay connected.

It’s a beautiful thing that we can go our whole lives and never learn everything there is to learn. Marketing trends change and evolve, just like other industries and businesses. That’s why it’s essential in 2025 to stay connected digitally. Find other marketers who you find innovative. Follow brands that continue to stay ahead of the curve. Ask a colleague or peer to coffee to ask them questions and bounce ideas off of each other. Stay informed about the latest printing and mailing technologies and trends. Attend industry events and subscribe to relevant publications to stay ahead of the curve.

Embrace old and new worlds.

Understanding your audience is key to your marketing strategy’s success. While one generation may rely heavily on Facebook, another may prefer receiving physical mail. A mixture of both digital and print materials has been shown to be effective marketing—an omnichannel approach! It takes multiple touchpoints for your audience to recognize and remember your branding and message, so ensure you’re meeting them in ways that make sense— both online and in person. You can create a more comprehensive and impactful campaign by strategically combining digital and print marketing efforts. Consider using print materials to drive traffic to your website or social media channels and vice versa.

The new year is a time to start fresh and new. Take this as an opportunity to dive into your marketing strategy for the coming year. Embrace creativity. Understand what has historically worked for your business, and don’t be afraid to try something new! An omnichannel marketing approach that effectively integrates printing and mailing will help you reach multiple audience members and increase your recognition.

Albert Lea Plant
1731 Margaretha Ave.
P.O. Box 988
Albert Lea, MN 56007

Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm

Now Located In Coon Rapids, MN
Archstone Workspace
9145 Springbrook Dr NW #105
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Phone 763-205-1556

© Church Offset Printing Inc. & North American Label 2025

Crafted by PrinterPresence